Why you must read...
Begin by assessing your current systems and equipment, identifying the highest risk devices, and creating an asset register. Planning the transition includes setting clear objectives, defining the scope, and involving the necessary stakeholders across departments.
Evaluate available digital solutions and choose a supplier who aligns with your requirements. This involves considering factors like interoperability, cost, and compatibility with existing systems. Ensuring future-proofing and scalability is key to long-term success.
Ensure that your digital telecare systems can integrate with other services and IT solutions. Establishing a flexible, connected infrastructure helps provide more comprehensive care and enables future innovations to be seamlessly adopted as technology advances.
What to expect...
This guide provides housing providers with a roadmap for transitioning to digital telecare, covering key steps such as planning, procurement, and stakeholder engagement.
By embracing digital solutions, organisations can enhance service reliability, meet evolving customer expectations, and future-proof their telecare offerings.
“It is a known risk that some analogue telecare devices may not be digitally compatible or perform as reliably on digital networks.”
Stephen Kinnock
Minister of State for Care
Department of Health and Social Care